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Haima Welcomes Ms. Isabel Granada To The Family / News
With her pleasing personality, decades of experience in the entertainment industry, and charismatic appeal, it is so fitting that Ms. Isabel Granada, one of our country’s most seasoned talen...
Pure Class / News
Setting the bar higher than ever before, the Mercedes-Benz C-Class evokes a charismatic aura that not too many of its rivals can achieve. With looks that will have many car enthusiasts makin...
2014 Yokohama Philippine Grand Touring Car Championship Rd.3 Highlights / News
With what served as nature’s confetti, a mild drizzle capped off a great racing weekend last August 31, 2014 at the Clark International Speedway, as the 2014 Yokohama Philippine Grand Tourin...
The Globe Slipstream With Lotus F1 and Marlon Stockinger / News
With almost an entire week of worrying whether the rains would reign and unleash a torrent of frowns, the sun finally came and brought that much-needed bright light and great weather for an...
Fun For The Whole Family / News
For a motor show to be a success, it should not only cater to the hard-core car enthusiast, but it should also beckon everyone.
The Best Backseats in the Country / News
The irony of the well-heeled car buyer in this country is that the more money they spend on a car, the less they will drive it.
Polaris UTV’s hit Philippine trails / News
On June 4, 2014, T.A. Marketing Inc. the official distributor of Polaris UTV’s, recently concluded the first sale of a Polaris RZR S 800 from its brand new Polaris (UTV) product line.
12 Iconic Vehicles to Take Center Stage at PIMS 2014 / News
As early as now, things are strongly brewing up for what could be one of the greatest, most ground-breaking motor shows this year in the Philippine motoring scene – the 5th CAMPI Philippine...
The 5th CAMPI Philippine International Motor Show: A Taste Of Things To Come / News
Established in May 1995, the Chamber of Automotive Manufacturers of the Philippine Inc., or otherwise known as CAMPI, has been in the forefront in establishing and setting high bars in the P...
The New MINI, The New ORIGINAL / News
In its tradition of bringing in life to the Philippine automotive scene, MINI Philippines once again made history, as they unveiled their newest line-up of cars to hit our local roads in sty...
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The Problem With The Drunk Driving Act. / News
Ladies and gentlemen, The party is finally over. It may have taken over 12 months after it was passed into law, but the Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Act (RA10586) will now be officially im...
Transformers: Age of Extinction - Chevy's Storm Signal #4 / News
Since 2007, the film industry has been a witness to a monumental comeback. Nostalgia overloads and childhood memories began rushing back in as Hollywood director Michael bay took it upon him...
BMFest 2014: An All-BMW Car Display / News
Fathers’ Day, and what a great timing for an awesome showcase of automobiles to bring smiles to many dads in the metro! Last June 15, 2014 saw the 2014 edition of the BMFest, an all-BMW auto...
Chevy launch their Free Periodic Maintenance Service Promo! / News
The Covenant Car Company Inc. are at it again! As a means to provide brand new Chevrolet buyers with peace of mind when going the distance, Chevrolet Philippines are offering the first 10,00...
Reflections on the 23rd Trans Sport Show / News
It’s that time of the year again when auto shows here in the Philippines take on a brighter kind of spotlight. Taking advantage of the summer weather and the vacation season it has, motor sh...
When Touge Battle 3!! went racing with MFest Philippines / News
Touge Battle 3!! didn't exactly go as originally planned. You see, it was conceived as a full-on track day at the Batangas Racing Circuit (BRC). But a quick phone call changed all that and t...
Touch Tomorrow with the all-new Honda City / News
The lights came up and the covers came down last Tuesday as Honda Cars Philippines, Inc. unveiled the 4th generation Honda City at the SMX Convention Center in Pasay City.
Chevrolet Continue Nationwide Expansion. / News
Tarlac, a province best known for it’s booming agriculture, Mount Pinatubo treks and fine food has recently been named as the home of Chevrolet’s 21st dealership in the Philippines.
A Day in the Life of an Ambulance Driver / Featured Article
After spending the last 12 years making a living out of what many see as a pampered life, driving everything from a Unimog to an F1 car, I began this new year by finally deciding to make goo...
10 Years Strong. / News
Last April 3, 2014, the Philippine motoring scene once again was set ablaze as the annual Manila International Auto Show (MIAS) kicked off its fast and furious prowess at the World Trade Cen...