Verified Agent

Hi I'm Alexandria Arciaga

Official Sales Agent for Mazda Makati
5/5 | 2 Reviews >

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8.3 mins
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5 years, 8 months
on AutoDeal

My Customers

My Reviews

2 Reviews

I had an excellent experience with Alex. She was incredibly knowledgeable, patiently answering all our questions about the car and guiding us seamlessly through the entire process until we drove off with our new car. Her suggestion of choosing machine gray turned out to be a perfect advise given the original color that we wanted was not available in the country.

Overall, her level of service and assistance was top-notch. Highly recommended!

Bernadette Lucreda, Mazda CX-5 2.5L AT AWD Sport
Nov 13, 2023

Professional. She has deep knowledge about the unit and her fluent English is an advantage for expat customers like me.

Anonymous, Mazda 3 Fastback 2.0L AT HEV
Feb 17, 2022