Verified Agent

Hi I'm Charlene Chin Ybanez

Official Sales Agent for Ford Butuan
5/5 | 1 Review >

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4 years, 10 months
on AutoDeal

Ford Butuan Promos

My Reviews

1 Review

First of all, thank you for Auto Deal for helping me buy my preferred Ford Ranger Raptor 2020 color blue in just 5 days by just in front of my computer. For my sales agent Charlene, aside from the fact that she is charming and beautiful, i find her very accommodating and trusting even if we only talked in the phone. She already prepared all the documents necessary including the unit itself by having it tinted and readily accepted my assurance that i will be there the next day and will pay the unit in cash. She did not required me to make any deposit or reservation. Over-all, i find it very satisfying and a wonderful experience of a sales agent.

Carlito Ravelo, Ford Ranger Raptor 2.0 Biturbo 4X4 AT
Feb 06, 2020