Atsuhiro Okamoto tries out philippine commuting

Toyota Motor Philippines (TMP) recently welcomed its new president Atsuhiro Okamoto in the month of February in 2020. Not even a month into his new position Okamoto-san has gone viral on social media for something he did. In an unexpected turn of events, the TMP president decided to go around Metro Manila to participate in what the Japanese call ‘Genchi Genbutsu.’ The term translates to go and see which roughly means that he went out and explored the many wonders of the area.

Photos of the TMP president trying out the various modes of transportation available in Metro Manila quickly became popular. These photos were posted on his official Facebook page and showcased Okamoto-san mixing in with the regular commuters by taking a bus, a jeep,  UV express, tricycle, and even the dreaded MRT.

Atsuhiro Okamoto rides a motorcycle

What made these photos relatable to many people was that it showed the struggle of the daily commute. Through his experience in commuting, Okamo-san can understand the market better as well as the Filipino people. This is key for a big brand like Toyota so that they can better serve the local market. It’s also a great way for the public to meet the new president of such a big company. After his commute, the TMP had a few insights to share about the experience.

I realize that unlike Japan or Singapore, the Philippines’ current mass transport system is not enough to accommodate the huge number of daily commuters. I would like Toyota to take part in this big challenge to upgrade the quality of life for many Filipinos.

With Toyota being the top brand in the Philippines its nice to see the company want to actively help the market that it serves. With a brand like this focused on giving out quality products and enhancing the lives of people in the country it’s not hard to understand why it’s on the top of the local automotive market.

There is no word yet on what Okamoto-san’s plans are to improve the country’s current transport situation but with active moves to help to understand the country, this is something definitely worth following.

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