Bad Driving Habits to Avoid

When you get out on the road, you may encounter or even partake in some of these bad habits. Not everyone is a saint on the road, and traffic has a tendency to bring out the worst in some drivers. Now there are more than just 10 bad habits out there, but here some of the more common and annoying ones. 

First off, let’s start with something that most people have experienced out on the road. Picture this, you’re on the road and someone cuts you off, eats into your lane, or straight up flip the bird at you. It’s easy to get mad at another driver on the road especially if they’re rude. 

Remember, it's not worth your life or car to get entangled with another driver on the road. Keep calm and carry on. Getting mad at another driver will only waste your time. Getting fixated on something that'll distract you may get you into an accident as well. Keep your wits about you and keep your cool. 

Nobody likes waiting in line. Whether at a stoplight, an exit, or a tollgate, it’s all-too-common that someone is in the other lane signaling to get in the front. Not only is this annoying for the drivers who have been waiting patiently, but it also slows down traffic for two lanes. 

It is a quick and selfish way to get around the Metro, let’s be real. While it is convenient for the cutter, it certainly inconveniences other drivers along the way, especially if the car cutting is huge like a bus or a truck. 

Somewhat in line with, well, cutting in line, swerving happens much faster. By definition, it’s an abrupt change in direction. If there is an obstruction on the road, it would be understandable if the driver is actually avoiding something, but on any other occasion, it’s just dangerous. 

We all know that using your phone while driving is dangerous. Attending to a message or viewing something on your phone’s screen takes your eyes away from the road which can lead to an accident. It’s also not uncommon to see someone else on the road texting and driving, which veer them into your lane among other dangerous situations. 

Now, we’re not talking about giving other driers on the road a nasty look, rather we’re referring to the usage of your car’s lights. Rear fog lamps are quite bright on a clear day, so do not use them unless absolutely necessary, especially at night when conditions are clear. 

The same goes for your headlights. Don’t keep your high beams on all the time, especially if there are oncoming vehicles. That’s why quite a few cars like the Nissan Navara in its top trim, get automatic high beams, which automatically switch to your headlights’ low beams if there is someone in the oncoming lane. 

Multiple signs and road markers can all indicate when an intersection is coming up. Instead of charging through an intersection and risking a crash, always slow down and check for anyone oncoming. That’s why stop signs exist, but not everyone follows them anyway. Some cars like the Ford Ranger may have forward collision mitigation, but cross-traffic alert features may not detect all incoming cars especially given enough speed so be careful. 

Signal lights don’t give away your next move. They are a tool to courteously ask the driver in the other lane to give a bit of space to merge in, or to indicate where you’re actually going so no one runs into you. While there are drivers that accelerate and deny you a lane change, it’s still good practice to signal. Make sure to flick the stalk to the way you want to run, and make sure that you indicate well before you execute your lane change. 

However, an indicator doesn’t give you the right to cut in line or to swerve and cut people off. Remember, it’s a courteous request, not a demand. 

Unless it is actually an emergency, refrain from taking up space especially on major highways and avenues. Do stop for an emergency, but do not take up space for trivial reasons. Loading and unloading zones exist for a reason, and if you need to take a breather, pull up to a gas station for a pit stop. 

Please, everyone is trying to get to their destination, and more obstructions—even on the side of the road, will only contribute to more congestion.

While there are drivers that will tell you that putting your hazards on will help with visibility, it will endanger you more than benefit. Remember, hazard lights use turn signals. By using your hazards while driving, you take away your ability to signal left or right. You leave drivers to guess your next move, and given low visibility, could result in an accident. 

On top of that, it will also glare the vision of the other drivers on the road, and that’s also not ideal if you’re trying to ironically stay safe with hazard lights. That being said, your car’s brake and position lights will be enough. 

This is perhaps the most dastardly bad habit of them all. Counterflowing involves cutting a line, swerving, and likely the misuse or disuse of turn signals. It’s also irresponsible to drive on the oncoming lane because you could end up in a collision or giving someone a headache. 

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