The LTO aims to eliminate all delays in issuing license cards and vehicle plates by July.

The Land Transportation Office (LTO) has some good news: starting this July, there won't be any more waiting for driver's license cards and vehicle plates, as they have promised a smooth service with no delays, thanks to having enough supplies to last the year. 

Atty. Vigor Mendoza, the head of LTO, confirmed this plan during a talk with President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. He mentioned that the agency is ready to go and expects no backlogs starting July 1. The news comes after the agency faced delays in the past caused by a shortage of necessary materials like plastic for the cards.

To further reduce waiting times and improve service delivery, the LTO is expanding its network with more service centers across the country. By the end of 2024, the plan is to increase the number of service locations to 35, making it easier and quicker for the public to access LTO services.

Recently, the LTO started handing out plastic driver's licenses again, which was possible after they solved legal issues that stopped them from getting the plastic cards they needed. With a backlog of 80,000 plates last October, the LTO mentioned that it is increasing its production capacity to one million plates per month. Every day, about 2,000 new vehicles need plates, adding to the demand. 

Besides improving how quickly they can provide licenses and plates, the LTO is also looking to prevent such issues in the future, as they have implemented new systems and technologies to help manage and keep up with the demand efficiently. 

By July, the LTO intends to provide quicker, better, and more reliable service to all applicants, which will improve the experience, making sure that everyone who needs a license or plate receives it without unnecessary delays. 

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