LTMS Portal

The LTO has annonuced that online vehicle registration renewals can be done online with the right documents and that your vehicle’s registration details have been uploaded to the LTMS portal. 

WIth a recent announcement on its social media pages, the LTO stated that the Land Transportation Management System (LTMS) Portal may now accommodate vehicle registration renewals. The online portal will allow motorists to renew their registration in a matter of minutes, about five to ten minutes. 

LTMS Announcement Online Registration

The annonucement was made yesterday by the LTO’s Chief Assistant Secretary, Jose Arturo Tugade. Motorists will be able to renew their vehicle’s registration provided that they have a stable internet connection. 

Transactions can be carried out online, however, only motorists with an existing record of their Motorv vehicle’s registration can transact on the LTMS Portal for a renewal. With that being said, motorists who have no record of their vehicle’s registration yet may go to any LTO District Office first to have personel input their details on the portal. Doing so will show a record on the LTMS Portal, allowing motorists to renew their vehicle’s registration online when the time comes. 

Other things to consider for this online process is to have other vehicle registration requirements in order, which incldues the Certificate of Coverage (COC) which indicates that the vehicle is insured and an inspection by the Private Motor Vehicle Inspection Center (PMVIC). The PMVICs will have access to the LTMS system, while traditional emissions centers do not. 

Once secured, the COC and the PMVIC files will be sent ot the LTMS and the renewal will be successful after payment and processing fees. 

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