DILG Memo License Confiscation

Traffic stops are often nerve-wracking which can lead to a violation ticket being issued, your car being towed, your license getting confiscated, or a combination of all three if you’re totally in the red. Back then, even local government units could ticket you and then take your license away to be claimed later after you pay the ticket. 

It’s been a little unclear as to who can confiscate a license, and what for, and while the latest memo tackling the issue doesn’t cover what violations can warrant a license confiscation (it’s likely still the same guidelines as before), it specifies who can and cannot. 

According to the DILG’s Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 01, s., 2008 dated September 14, 2022, “the LGUs can issue traffic citation tickets but only the LTO and their deputized agents can confiscate drivers’ licenses.” The memo also directs LGUs to “review their ordinances, orders, and local policies, to ensure conformity and compliance with the said provision and with the entirety o the above-cited JMC.” 

DILG Memo License Confiscation

That means that LGUs will no longer be allowed to confiscate licenses unless the apprehending officer is deputized by the LTO to do so. The memo also states that “to continuously ensure compliance to laws and policies, particularly, on road safety and transportation, the following provision… [was] hereby reiterated.” 

In other words, to ensure consistency in giving citations this memo was issued, however, motorists must still be careful to obey the traffic rules and regulations, as well as identify whether the apprehending individual is deputized by the LTO should they be involved in a violation that merits the confiscation of a drivers’ license. 

While the memo didn’t dig too deep into the implementing rules and regulations when issuing traffic tickets, it at least shed some light on the subject, in which only a deputized enforcer may confiscate your license should your offense serve as grounds for it. 

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